A recent visitor asked me if I'd made any progress on my Once and Future Urban Fantasy Novel. Er...not so much. BUT! Here's why:
Fanfiction. Okay, okay, before you roll your eyes and think me the most immature woman in her mid-forties EVER, hear me out. I restarted that damned novel probably 6 times. Kept stalling out. I LOVE the characters, but what was keeping me from any serious progress? Life? A crap plot? Willpower, or lack thereof? All of the above?
Who knows. I certainly didn't, but I was jonesin' to write so I took the plunge into the fan world of 'Supernatural' (the only television show I watch on a regular basis.) At least I was writing, yeah? I discovered there were some honestly great writers in the community, who share an obsession *Win-cough-chesters* and will give me honest, smart feedback if I only ask. So I've signed up for one of their annual challenges that involves writing a novella based in the SPN universe. Guess who's making a visit? My original characters from The Novel That Will Not Be Written. And as I'm outlining said challenge, I'm finding myself re-discovering my affection for those OCs all over again. This, dear reader, could be a blessing in deep disguise.
Seems what I was missing was inspiration and perseverance. Two biggies. So here's hoping this is my Dumbo feather, this silly fanfic thing! Whatever works, eh?
Veilid and Tor
1 day ago